What is APPLE?

Alternative Parent Participation Learning Experience

In 1977 Spokane Public Schools accepted a proposal from Parents for Alternative Education, a group of parents involved in pre-school co-ops, to organize the first APPLE program. These parents realized the value of being with their children in an educational setting. Through love, dedication and commitment they created the APPLE program.

APPLE believes that:

  • parents have the right and the obligation to be meaningfully involved with their children's education;
  • education is greatly enhanced by the collaboration of parents, students, teachers and administrators;
  • elementary education, as the basis for lifelong learning, should emphasize:
  • independent learning
  • cooperative learning
  • social skills
  • engaging students' natural curiosity, and
  • a rich and heterogeneous learning environment

Some APPLE facts:

  • APPLE is open to children of all abilities, grades 1-6, who reside within Spokane Public Schools' boundaries at no extra charge.
  • APPLE is child, teacher and parent directed.
  • Basic academic assessments and curriculum requirements are the same as in all district classes.
  • APPLE is non-graded. Evaluation of individual student progress is ongoing.
  • Classrooms are multiage; grades 1 and 2, 3 and 4, 5 and 6 are paired in three classrooms.
  • Families are chosen by lottery when numbers of children exceed space in classes.
  • There are two sites available making APPLE easily accessible.
  • Parents, either individually or by car pooling, provide transportation.
  • Parent participation in the program is expected. Parents can volunteer in classrooms and serve on numerous committees.
  • Teachers are hired by the school district with parent input.