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Agenda / Committee Meeting

Franklin Carnival

Action / Classroom Meeting

Agenda / Committee Meeting

Teacher Appreciation Week

Action / Classroom Meeting

Movie Night

Agenda / Committee Meeting

Movie Night

Missoula Children's Theater (MCT)

APPLE Auction

Action / Classroom Meeting

Agenda / Committee Meeting

Action / Classroom Meeting

Agenda / Committee Meeting

Holiday Event (TBD)

Action / Classroom Meeting

Agenda / Committee Meeting

Harvest Fest

Sekani Trail Run

Movie Night

Action / Classroom Meeting

Agenda / Committee Meeting

Action / Classroom Meeting

Agenda / Committee Meeting

Agenda / Committee Meeting

Root Beer Floats and Book Swap

New Family Orientation

Ice Cream Social

APPLE Committee Mtg. 6:30pm / Agenda Mtg. 7:30pm

Spring Event ???

APPLE Classroom/Action Meeting

APPLE Committee Mtg. 6:30pm / Agenda Mtg. 7:30pm

Teacher Appreciation Week

May Day: May Pole???

APPLE Classroom/Action Meeting

APPLE Committee Mtg. 6:30pm / Agenda Mtg. 7:30pm

Spring Break

APPLE Auction – Shriners Event Center

APPLE Classroom/Action Meeting

APPLE Committee Mtg. 6:30pm / Agenda Mtg. 7:30pm

Missoula Children’s Theater (MCT) Week

APPLE Classroom/Action Meeting

APPLE Committee Mtg. 6:30pm / Agenda Mtg. 7:30pm

APPLE Ice Skating/Bowling Holiday Party ??

PJ and Pancake Day

APPLE Classroom/Action Meeting

APPLE Committee Mtg. 6:30pm / Agenda Mtg. 7:30pm

Franklin Lantern Walk???

Harvest Festival

APPLE Classroom/Action Meeting

APPLE Committee Mtg. 6:30pm / Agenda Mtg. 7:30pm

Sekani Trail Run

Reading Buddy Social at Lincoln Park??

APPLE Classroom/Action Meeting

APPLE Committee Mtg. 6:30pm / Agenda Mtg. 7:30pm

New Family Orientation

APPLE Committee Mtg. 6:30pm / Agenda Mtg. 7:30pm

(Tentative) Spring Event

APPLE Classroom/Action Meetings

Classroom Coordinator meetings

APPLE Committee Mtg. 6:30pm / Agenda Mtg. 7:30pm

(Tentative) May Day: May Pole (5/1 or 5/2)

Teacher Appreciation Week

APPLE Classroom/Action Meetings

Classroom Coordinator meetings

APPLE Committee Mtg. 6:30pm / Agenda Mtg. 7:30pm

(Tentative) Spring Break

APPLE Auction – Shriners Event Center

APPLE Classroom/Action Meetings (teachers attending classroom meetings)

APPLE Committee Mtg. 6:30pm / Agenda Mtg. 7:30pm

APPLE Classroom/Action meetings – different week due to MCT

Classroom Coordinator meetings

Missoula Children’s Theater (MCT) Week – Little Mermaid

APPLE Committee Mtg. 6:30pm / Agenda Mtg. 7:30pm

(Tentative) APPLE Ice Skating/Bowling Holiday Party

(Tentative) PJ and Pancake Day

APPLE Classroom/Action Meetings

Classroom Coordinator meetings

APPLE Committee Mtg. 6:30pm / Agenda Mtg. 7:30pm

(Tentative) Franklin Lantern Walk

(Tentative) Harvest Festival

APPLE Classroom/Action Meetings (teachers attending classroom meetings)

Classroom Coordinator meetings

APPLE Committee Mtg. 6:30pm / Agenda Mtg. 7:30pm

(Tentative) Reading Buddy Social at Lincoln Park

APPLE Classroom/Action Meetings

Classroom Coordinator meetings

APPLE Committee Mtg. 6:30pm / Agenda Mtg. 7:30pm

APPLE Ice Cream Social (Lincoln Park)

APPLE New Family Orientation night (Franklin Multipurpose Room)

APPLE Classroom/ Action 6:30pm

APPLE Committee Mtg. 6:30pm / Agenda Mtg. 7:30pm

APPLE Classroom/ Action 6:30pm

APPLE Committee Mtg. 6:30pm / Agenda Mtg. 7:30pm

APPLE Classroom/ Action 6:30pm

APPLE Committee Mtg. 6:30pm / Agenda Mtg. 7:30pm

APPLE Classroom/ Action 6:30pm

APPLE Committee Mtg. 6:30pm / Agenda Mtg. 7:30pm

APPLE Classroom/ Action 6:30pm

APPLE Committee Mtg. 6:30pm / Agenda Mtg. 7:30pm

APPLE Classroom/ Action 6:30pm

APPLE Committee Mtg. 6:30pm / Agenda Mtg. 7:30pm

APPLE Classroom/ Action 6:30pm (teachers attending classroom meetings)

APPLE Committee Mtg. 6:30pm / Agenda Mtg. 7:30pm

Last Day of School

Field Day

6th Grade Promotion

Kindergarten Promotion

Franklin Awards Assembly

Apple 6th Grade Balloon Toss

PTG Meeting

Intermediate Talent Show

Primary Talent Show

Apple Action meeting

PTG Carnival

Apple Agenda meeting

Apple Committee meeting

PTG Meeting

PTG Movie Night

Apple Action meeting

Apple Agenda meeting

Apple Committee meeting

PTG Meeting

Spring Break: No School

Conferences/Progress Reports -- Early Release

Band, Strings, and Marimba concert

PTG Movie Night

PTG Meeting

Apple Auction

PTG Book Swap

Classroom Pictures

Apple Action meeting

Apple Agenda meeting

Apple Committee meeting

Reading Tutor Training

Apple Action meeting

Missoula Children's Theater

PTG Movie Night

Apple Agenda meeting

Apple Committee meeting

PTG Meeting

Back to School

Winter Break

Apple Bowling/Ice Skating

Winter Music Program

PJ and Pancakes

Apple Action meeting

Apple Agenda meeting

Apple Committee meeting

PTG Movie Night

Veterans Day Assembly

Individual Picture Retakes

Reading Tutor Training

Apple Action meeting

Apple Agenda meeting

Apple Committee meeting

Conferences/Progress Reports -- Kindergarten Checklist -- Early Release

Individual Picture Day

PTG Meeting

PTG Fun Run

Sekani Trail Run

Apple Action meeting

PTG Movie Night

6th Grade Camp

Apple Agenda meeting

Apple Committee meeting

First Day of Kindergarten

First Day of School

Franklin Open House

Sekani Trail Run

Curriculum Day - NO SCHOOL

Labor Day - NO SCHOOL

First day of 2015-2016 School Year!

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